How to trade in MCX :
Before going to Start trading in MCX,should known some basic things.
Buy & Sell both can be possible in MCX Trading.People Sell a commodity without buying that commodity.
MCX trading comes under Futures trading,In Futures trading Buy/Sell depend upon future Conditions(Rate go up/down).
Some terms used in MCX Trading
Long means Buy
Short means Sell
Target means Profit booking Point/Rate
Stoploss means The point at how much loss we can afford.
One Trade completed when Buy covered Sell
Sell covered Buy.
General Rule of MCX Trading
Buy On Dips(Lows)
Sell On Rise (Highs)
10 gms of MCX Gold buy at 30800
sell at 30900
Profit 100 Points
10 gms of MCX Gold Sell at 30900
Buy at 30800
Profit 100 Points
When MCX commodities price/rate are in rising trend,go for Long(Buy)
MCX commodities are price/rate in down trend,go for Short(Sell)
Profit /Loss Calculation in MCX
MCX Silver Bought at 58900,With a target of 59470 & Stoploss of 58750.
Profit Calculation in MCX
When MCX Silver Reach the price of 59470,Target reached&Profit come to our account.
Profit Points = Selling Point - Buying Point
= 59470-58900
= 570 points
MCX Silver Return/Yield Per one Point = Rs.30
Profit = Profit points*yield per one point
Profit = 570*30
So,Our Profit for that trade = 17,100
Loss Calculation in MCX
When MCX Silver Reach the price of 58750,Stop loss triggered&Loss come to our account.
Loss Points = Buying Point - Selling Point
= 58900-58750
= 150 points
MCX Silver Return/Yield Per one Point = Rs.30
Loss = Loss points*yield per one point
Loss = 150*30
So,Our Profit for that trade = 4500
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